Recyclopia app icon


Inspiring people to repurpose things that would otherwise be treated as rubbish

hero image featuring 4 Recyclopia mockup screens
Role: Research, UI/UX
Timeline: Aug - Sep 2022

Problem statement

Climate change is making summers even hotter. Energy bills are soaring and foreseeing tough winters ahead. It might sound cliché, but the planet is giving its constant warning. More people are under its direct impact. Yet too few have realized what they can do to change the course of environmental degradation. People carry on with their usual lifestyles, exploiting resources and generating waste.

Project vision

Recyclopia aims to be the platform where people can share creative ideas about recycling and repurposing idle or used items and get inspired by others. Meanwhile, it carries the mission to change people’s lifestyle little by little by encouraging them to take on daily challenges.


People don’t have a clear idea of how much domestic waste they generate each day in their household

People don’t feel the incentive of actively taking actions

People don’t feel connected with each other, thus having no intention to give back and keep the community alive and growing

Initial research

I surveyed 78 people to learn about their attitudes towards the environment; the actions that they have been taking; their willingness to take actions and what impact of environmental change they have felt.

Pie chart 1 shows that among common household items, only plastic bags are recycled by more than 1/2 of the users. Pie chart 2 shows that 37.2% of people believes that they can make a change.

Competitive analysis

A competitive audit was conducted with 2 direct competitors and 3 indirect competitors. The purpose of the audit is to identify key features and mechanisms of these platforms and find out opportunities for Recyclopia to further address user needs and stand out from the crowd.

Competitive analysis table showing results of comparison among 5 apps that promote an ecological lifestyle.

Meet the users

Image showing a participant being interviewed

After screening, I selected 5 participants (3 females, 2 males), 2 of whom have an active voice in their local communities, promoting environment protection, and the rest believe that they can make a change to the environment if told how to do so.  I aimed to understand what are user goals; how will users use the app and their experience with other similar products on the market. The following 2 personas are then created based on the common and prominent traits of the participants found during the interview.

Name: Candice

Age: 19 years old
Occupation: High school student
Hometown: Brighton
State: Living at home with her parents and a younger sister


bullet point

Change old habits to avoid wasting more resources

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Raise people’s consciousness about the environment

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Reach a wider audience to have a bigger collective impact on the environment


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Businesses are still exploiting more resources than they should

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Her parents refused to cook vegetarian meals more often

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Don’t have a good platform to reach audience beyond her local community


I need to do something about the future of our people, and stop listening to blah blah blah from adults who should protect us and the planet but failed”


Name: Lucas

Age: 43 years old
Occupation: Support ticket engineer
Hometown: Liverpool
State: Living with his wife and 2 kids


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Find a second home or a better purpose for his family’s clutter

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Learn more about things he can do to protect the environment


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Having to pay rising energy bills

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Weather is becoming too drastic to cope with


I doubt if I will ever turn vegan, but I will do what I can before it’s too late!



After foundational research, I used How Might We and Crazy Eight to come up with as many ideas as possible to address users needs, asking questions and drafting potential solutions. Since I was a team of one, I forced myself to ideate in several separate settings, trying to put on different characters to help me think outside the box.

Image of a team of 5 people ideating together
image showing sticky notes full of How Might We ideas

Information architecture

Information architecture

Sketches and wireframes

2 hand-drawn sketches featuring main screens in Recyclopia
low-fi wireframe of the Homepagelow-fi wireframe of the Channel page
low-fi wireframe of the Challenge pagelow-fi wireframe of the Task Information page


Recyclopia is a social media platform dedicated to the environment where users are encouraged to share creative ways of repurposing used items and learn from each other, thus devoting an ever more impactful collective effort to our planet.

A mockup of an iphone home screen with an app folder named Environment where Recyclopia and other environment apps are featured
an animated mockup showing the live feed on the homepage of Recyclopia and how to filter them
An animated mockup showing the Task information page and the Create a post page
An animated mockup showing the Challenge page
An animated mockup showing the completion of a task

Style guide


color: bright orangecolor: saturated orangecolor: dull yellow color: teancolor: dimed teancolor: dark tean



Regular, bold

Proxima nova

Regular, bold, light italic

Future roadmap

an illustration showing a person's thoughts

What are users’ actual user journey? How many different types of common patterns are there?

an illustration showing different engagement levels

What is the most popular search keyword/community discussion topic?

an illustration showing a timetable

What are the average and median time between adding a task and completing a task?

an illustration showing a target

What are the most popular challenges? What do users want to see as challenges?

an illustration showing a lightbulb, expressing the idea of being inspired

What is the percentage of people choosing to share their result in the community when completing a task?