hero image featuring the home page of Readytomove on a desktop screen
Role: Research, UI/UX
Project Timeline: Jul-Aug 2022

What is Readytomove?

Readytomove is an online property search platform that helps users find their ideal living spaces. It makes property search more customizable and less stressful. Therefore, users are more likely to find properties of both affordability and desirability.

Problem Statement

With globalization, more people are studying, working and living abroad. Since covid, many have switched to work from home(WFH) lifestyle.  All these trends and incidents have posed new challenges for people who are looking for a place to live. With these new challenges on top of the already competitive housing market, people are struggling to race against the demand in finding a place that is nice and affordable.


Readytomove aims to show users the full picture of the housing market, and the new and unfamiliar areas so that they can make informed choices and find places that are actually ideal for them. Moreover, Readytomove is open and adaptive to new trends and demands so that users can find living environments that meet their needs.

illusttration: customized search
Smart search according to users’ list of criteria
illustration: area guide
All-you-need-to-know to decide where to move to
illustration: virtual viewing
Zero barrier for property search wherever you are
illustration: descriptive tags
Allow new demands to be answered


I wanted to find out what are users’ current experience searching for properties online and how it can be improved. To gain a general understanding, I first sent out 12 questionnaires to users who have apartment hunting experience within the last year and received 10 valid responses. Later, I arranged interviews with 4 participants. By looking along their step-by-step interaction with other property search platforms, I was able to emphathize with users, and understand users’ journey, habits and pain points.

2 sheets of sketches showing drafted interview questions
criteria by ranking: 1st price, 2nd location, 3rd credibility


I wanted to find out what are users’ current experience searching for properties online and how it can be improved. To gain a general understanding, I first sent out 12 questionnaires to users who have apartment hunting experience within the last year and received 10 valid responses. Later, I arranged interviews with 4 participants. By looking along their step-by-step interaction with other property search platforms, I was able to emphathize with users, and understand users’ journey, habits and pain points.

Affinity Diagram

affinity diagram of user goals, constraints and frustrations

User Journey Map

image of the user journey map

Competitive Analysis

I highlighted 5 aspects of property search websites that are important to users and conducted a competitive analysis among 3 direct competitors and 2 indirect competitors. I found that new search options such as draw a map, and search bot are appreciated by the users, but they have great potential of improvement. The current filter and sorting functions fail to serve quite many users’ needs. Lastly, when a user is shown “Sorry, your search has no result”, it is most disappointing and a good search suggestion will be rather valuable.

a table of the competitive analysis showing results of comparison among 5 competitors



Wireframes & Prototypes

I sketched 5 different versions of paper wireframes for desktop screens before committing to one digitally. By highlighting essential features that I need to keep and reflecting on the pros and cons of different layout styles,  I was able to tweak my initial sketches and come up with a more mature design to move on to the next stage.

Paper wireframes

sketch of the homepage with annotation (version 1)sketch of the homepage with annotation (version 2)sketch of the homepage with annotation (version 3)
sketch of the homepage with annotation (version 4)sketch of the homepage with annotation (version 5)

Low-fidelity prototype

image of low-fidelity wireframes connected together by wires showing the main user journey


I conducted unmoderated usability studies with 5 participants, who all had experience looking for properties in the past year. Below are the questions frequently asked.

1. How do I know Readie is really helpful? What is different between using Readie and a filter?
2. Does the “Get started” button take me to property search directly?
3. Is virtual viewing an option for the properties? For all the properties or some of the properties?
4. If I am interested in a property, can I be led to explore the area of the property directly from the listing page? I don't seem to find a way.

Iterate, iterate, itearate

After synthesizing user feedback, I gained valuable insight on 4 main areas of improvement and iterated on my design.

bullet point
Improve users’ understanding of Readie, the customized search function
bullet point
Improve the visibility of essential features of properties for users’ decision-making process
bullet point
Improve website familiarity to users by providing important conventional visual cues
bullet point
Improve the connectivity of different sections of property information to help user get a full image of a property intuitively

Design Highlights

animated mockup showing the features of Readie
animated mockup showing the step-by-step with Readie
animated mockup showing the information presented on a listing page

Users can also use the Location and Transportation section to  find out the distance between the property and the places they frequently visit.

animated mockup showing that users can know the distance between a chosen property and any locations they frequently visit
animated mockup showing the link to the area guide on the listing page

Style guide


color: dark and light greencolor: orange and yellowcolor: off-white and grey


New spirit
semidbold, bold
Futura PT
book, medium


Having moved 4 times in a year, Readytomove is a project that touches my heart. Knowing that, I tried to keep a distance from the project, instead of projecting my own experience entirely on the emphathize phase, I interviewed people of various backgrounds, ages and occupations to understand various user needs. Another thing that I noticed from the project is how the scope of design can grow exponentially before and after user testing. Some features simply need to be elaborated on to demonstrate to users their purpose. That is something to watch out for in future designs to stay within the time and budget limit!

Future roadmap

illustration: user needs survey

Continue to design features of second priority

illustration: user testing

Conduct user testings to gather feedback on questions asked by Readie

illustration: coding and development

Look for potential opportunities of development