
Giving you a compelling reason to go to the cinema in this movie-streaming era

Role: Research, UI/UX
Duration: May - Jul 2022
hero image featuring Movietime mockups

Project vision

The problem

The goal

bullet point

Movie theatre goers don’t typically rely on apps to book tickets, discouraged by the difficulties of finding all the necessary information.

bullet point

To build a movie theatre app where users can find and book movie tickets with efficiency and satisfaction.

bullet point

People who go to movies occasionally as a passtime don’t often have ways other than word of mouth to find out about a movie that might interest them.

bullet point

To build a movie theatre app where users can easily find movies curated to their tastes.

Competitive analysis

I conducted a competitive audit among 4 well-known cinema chains in the UK. The purpose of the audit is to spot trends of common app features and find out the gap between the current market offering and user needs. I highlighted outstanding features to learn from and more importantly, area of improvement to elaborate upon.

competitive analysis table

Meet the users

profile picture of Marienne


Age: 28
Hometown: London
Occupation: Software Engineer


Marienne is a busy high-income software engineer who needs to relax and enjoy himself in the movie theatre because he has huge pressure from work and wants to make the most out of his free time.

profile picture of Justin


Age: 19
Hometown: Brighton
Occupation:First year University student


Justin is a budget tight marvel fan who needs to watch latest marvel movies that a relatively low price because he does not want to miss any of them but cannot afford paying for all of them.

User journey map

user journey map


challenge 1: information

Create a movie information page where all essential information about a movie session is presented clearly on the same page.

challenge 2: review and critics

Provide information that can help users decide which movie to watch and prevent users from seeing spoilers when they don’t want to.

challenge 3: notification

Inform users of upcoming movies and allow users to pre-book.

challenge 4: discount

Provide more financially sustainable options for movie enthousiasts who cannot otherwise afford to go to all the movies they want to watch.

Initial design concept

After the user journey map was drafted, a big picture and a close-up storyboards were sketched, which helped me decided on 10 key frames that could present a complete user journey.

(1) Sketches

a sketch of the big picture storyboardsketch of the close up storyboard

(2) Wireframes

low-fidelity wireframe

Usability testing

Several rounds of usability testing were conducted throughout the design iteration period. The purpose of the tests is to identify potential pain points when users interact with the product, solve edge cases and gather valuable user feedback on how well the product serves their needs.


Search function is added for users who have particular movies in mind.

Filter function is upgraded, and sort is removed.

Quick Book option is built in for users to complete the user journey with even higher efficiency.

mockup of the movie page before and after the usability tests


Action buttons were changed to Use points so that users can seamlessly enjoy the reward system.

The visual of movie ticket is updated to more closely resemble a physical movie ticket, thus enhancing user experience of going to a movie.

mockup of the movie session ticket page before and after the usability tests


mockup of the movie timetable pagemockup of the movie theatre location pagemockup of the movie hall seating pagemockup of the sign in page


The Movietime app is my first UX design project where I got to experience the entire design process. After having hands-on experience, I now understand the iterative nature of design and the importance of user testing throughout the whole process. Due to the time constraint, I wasn’t able to build the movie gallery and loyalty customer reward system, etc. which are all exciting ideas for me as an movie enthousiast. I will take it further if a chance arises in the future!

Future roadmap

illustration for future roadmap step 1

Build secondary features that allow users to use the app as a movie gallery and gain reward from bookings

illustration for future roadmap step 2

Share my work with other active designers in the UX design community to gain feedback and insight

illustration for future roadmap step 3

Compare Movietime with other emergent movie theatre apps to seek improvement opportunities